River City Beats presents Elyse Berlin

Elyse Berlin is a Duval native, singer/songwriter actively rooted in the Jacksonville music scene. Look out for her Album to be released this year, “City of Milk and Honey”. Until then, catch her at her favorite haunts…

(1) The Southern Grill Family Jam on Mondays and Wednesdays, hosted by Shane Platten, John Parkerurban, and Brandon Howell

(2) Raindogs Jam Night on Tuesdays hosted by Bryant Patterson

(3) Raindogs Songwriter Spotlight on Wednesdays hosted by Charlie Shuck

(4)Historically Hoppy on Thursdays, hosted by Jessica Hope

(5)Solune Coffee on the second Saturday of the month! Hosted by Krishna Achath and John Parkerurban

FB / IG: @elyseberlin