4 Your Pet: Answering your questions about caring for your canine companion
Read full article: 4 Your Pet: Answering your questions about caring for your canine companionWe want to help you keep your favorite animal healthy, so we’re bringing you a series of 4 Your Pet stories on The Morning Show to offer some important advice as you take care of your fur-baby.
Story Time: Reading to dogs and cats at the Jacksonville Humane Society
Read full article: Story Time: Reading to dogs and cats at the Jacksonville Humane SocietyPawsitive Reading – a program in which children visit the shelter to read to the pets – is designed to provide enrichment for kids, dogs, and cats. Believe it or not, just listening to a person reading out loud has been proven to lower stress levels in animals! Pawsitive Reading is also a great way for kids to work on their literacy skills in safe, fun environment. To learn more, visit
People are leaving dogs at a Lake City animal shelter when staff isn’t there. Leaders hope for new laws to fix issue
Read full article: People are leaving dogs at a Lake City animal shelter when staff isn’t there. Leaders hope for new laws to fix issuePeople are abandoning animals at a Lake City animal shelter while the staff isn’t there. Shelter leaders hope to speak with lawmakers to address animal dumping.
Jacksonville animal shelters to offer free pet adoptions over Black Friday weekend
Read full article: Jacksonville animal shelters to offer free pet adoptions over Black Friday weekendHundreds of available dogs and cats will be available at the JHS Adoption, Education and Pet Help Center located at 8464 Beach Blvd. and at ACPS located at 2020 Forest St.
Shelters are full! Jacksonville Humane Society offering free large dog adoptions
Read full article: Shelters are full! Jacksonville Humane Society offering free large dog adoptionsThe Jacksonville Humane Society (JHS) is offering free pet adoptions for our large dogs over 30 pounds from Jan. 27 through Jan. 30.
Winn-Dixie donates over 4,000 pounds of pet food to Jax Humane
Read full article: Winn-Dixie donates over 4,000 pounds of pet food to Jax HumaneWinn-Dixie is doing its part to make sure no pet goes hungry. On Thursday, the supermarket chain donated more than 4,000 pounds of pet food to the Jacksonville Humane Society, which has been struggling to keep its pantry stocked amid the coronavirus pandemic. Now, thanks to Winn-Dixie, the Humane Society’s supplies are in much better shape. The grocery chain dropped off four pallets of pet food at the organization’s warehouse. The Jacksonville Humane Society’s Pet Food Pantry helps feed pets of seniors, veterans and others in the community who are in need.
$5,000 reward for info on dog abandoned in a porta-potty
Read full article: $5,000 reward for info on dog abandoned in a porta-pottyGLYNN COUNTY, Ga. – The Humane Society is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for abandoning a severely underweight dog on Pecan Point Drive in Brunswick, Georgia. On Oct. 11, Glynn County Animal Control responded to a request for assistance from the Glynn County Police Department to rescue a severely emaciated dog found abandoned in a crate inside a porta-potty at a construction site for a new housing development. After receiving emergency medical care overnight, the dog, now called Rusty, was transferred from animal control to a rescue group, where he is recovering from his physical and psychological injuries. We hope our reward helps find the person or persons who committed this despicable act.”Glynn County animal control officers and Glynn County police officers are investigating this case. Anyone with relevant information is asked to call the Glynn County Animal Shelter at 912-554-7501 or email

Feline Frenzy event spays and neuters 130 cats
Read full article: Feline Frenzy event spays and neuters 130 catsDozens of people from the community lined up at the Jacksonville Humane Society with stray cats they've trapped that needed to undergo surgery to stop reproduction. The numbers of kittens entering the Humane Society in Jacksonville is climbing and climbing every year," said Lindsay Layendecker, with the Jacksonville Humane Society. Humane Society workers said cats as young as 4 months can get pregnant, so the sooner a cat is brought in for surgery, the better. Anyone who has cats that need to be spayed or neutered and who missed Sunday's event can bring their community felines to the Jacksonville Humane Society on Oct. 27, but the cats have to be in traps. For people who have a cat at home and would like to get the feline spayed or neutered, the Humane Society is offering a special price of $25 for now.

Shelter dogs in Dorian's path relocated inland
Read full article: Shelter dogs in Dorian's path relocated inlandLANSING, Mich. - A Humane Society shelter in Michigan is doing its part in Hurricane relief by helping animals displaced by Dorian. 15 dogs from Florida were relocated in Lansing as part of a national effort to get the animals out of the path of the storm. Employees say these dogs are Florida shelter animals, so the dogs will be evaluated in Lansing and placed up for adoption. Obviously we help mostly animals in our community but sometimes the call comes in to do something more and we are happy to do it, said Julia Willson, the CEO and President of Capital Area Humane Shelter. Willson added that the dogs should be ready for adoption within the next week or so.

Camden County Humane Society not accepting pets
Read full article: Camden County Humane Society not accepting petsCAMDEN COUNTY, Ga. - The Humane Society of Camden County announced Sunday on its social media pages that it is no longer accepting animals. "Unfortunately canine parvovirus entered our shelter via a litter of puppies," the post said. The Humane Society said the shelter is undergoing an extensive sanitizing process and incubation period before reopening to the public. The Humane Society will remain open for adoptions and reclaims. Copyright 2019 by WJXT News4Jax - All rights reserved.