The acclaimed sketch series added some new blood to the cast this season with comedians Bowen Yang and Chloe Fineman, and the pair both enjoyed some memorable (albeit somewhat brief) screen time during the season 45 premiere over the weekend.
Here's a look at some of Yang and Fineman's debut highlights from this week's SNL premiere"Impeachment Cold Open"It's a big deal when a new castmember gets a chance to be in a Cold Open, and it's even more impressive when that Cold Open is also his debut on-screen appearance.
"DNC Town Hall"In yet another SNL sketch surrounding Trump's impeachment, the show took some swipes at the wide-open field of democratic candidates with a sketch lampooning the recent debates that have pitted the dems against one another.
Yang portrayed candidate Andrew Yang, while Fineman delivered a magnificent and hilariously bizarre impression of Marianne Williamson.
"If you think my candidacy is going well, I'm literally giving free money to people and I'm still in sixth place," Yang's Yang jokes in the sketch.