Longtime News4JAX executive producer receives posthumous honor

The honor was and will always be ours, Sharon

Sharon Siegel-Cohen holding an Emmy award in the WJXT newsroom. (Kathryn Bonfield/WJXT)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Sharon Siegel-Cohen, a longtime executive producer for News4Jax, will be recognized this month by her industry peers.

Siegel-Cohen, who died at the age of 62 last year after a bout with ALS, is one of four honorees who will receive a Legacy Award on May 29 from the Florida Association of Broadcast Journalists.

“The FABJ Legacy Award pays tribute to those who have given 25 years or more of service to our profession with majority service at least in the State of Florida,” according to the FABJ’s website.

RELATED: Vic Micolucci eulogizes longtime co-worker Sharon Siegel-Cohen

Siegel-Cohen joins WPTV’s Tania Rogers, WCTV’s Art Myers and WKMG’s Lorenzo Taylor, who are also being honored for their legacies at the industry organization’s annual awards program.

During her time with News4Jax, Siegel-Cohen earned a reputation for her quirky birthday songs and other melodies that she would belt out whenever there was an occasion to celebrate (or just an opportunity to make someone blush).

The Jacksonville native, who graduated from Wolfson High School and the University of Florida, was recognized with various awards over the years, including a prestigious Peabody Award in 2000.

After being diagnosed with ALS in 2018, Siegel-Cohen embraced the challenge and championed the station’s efforts to raise awareness about the deadly disease, for which there is no cure.

“I will remember her permanent cheerfulness even as she endured the ravages of ALS,” News4Jax anchor Tom Wills noted last year. “I truly believe she’s one of the best people God ever created.”

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Posted by Florida Association of Broadcast Journalists on Wednesday, May 19, 2021