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Building your hurricane kit one week at a time can save money, reduce stress

The practical must-haves for your emergency hurricane kit

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – For two months we have been helping you build your hurricane emergency kit one week at a time so you can spread out the cost and not rush at the last minute.

In April, Colorado State University announced its highest ever projection for this year with 23 named storms, including 11 expected hurricanes with five potentially reaching major status.

The probability of Florida being impacted by a named storm is 96%. The chances are usually 86%.

FEMA recommends that you have a kit that includes one gallon of water per person, per day, for three to five days, and a two-week supply of nonperishable food if you do not plan to evacuate.

Also, you should have basic storm survival items like a flashlight with batteries, first aid kit, manual can opener, duct tape and a multi-purpose tool, like a utility knife.

But emergency management experts recommend spreading out your hurricane kit shopping by just adding items to your weekly grocery run. Here’s a good breakdown:

Week 1

  • Gallon of water per person
  • Large jar of peanut butter
  • Can of tuna or chicken meat
  • Can of ready-to-eat soup
  • Can of vegetables
  • Box of matches in waterproof container
  • Package of paper plates
  • Flashlight with battery
  • Utility knife
  • Sunscreen
  • Tarp

Week 1 cost based on prices at Publix: $50

Week 2

  • Another can of vegetables
  • Another can of meat or pasta
  • Fruit: Canned, dried or applesauce
  • Comfort food: Something that will give you quick energy
  • One bottle of unscented bleach
  • Paper cups
  • Propane for your gas stove or self-starting charcoal
  • Pliers
  • Safety goggles
  • Outdoor extension cords

Week 2 cost based on prices at Walmart: $60

Week 3

  • One gallon of water per person
  • Jar of jam
  • Ready-to-eat soup
  • One can of fruit or applesauce
  • One canned meat item
  • Hand-operated can opener if you don’t have one
  • Pack of napkins
  • Hatchet or axe
  • Roll of duct tape
  • Portable AM/FM radio (they range from battery-powered to hand-crank options and some double as phone charger or flashlight)
  • Baby supplies if you need them

Week 3 cost based on prices at Walmart: $50

Week 4

  • Either a loaf of bread or grain, like rice, breakfast cereal or crackers
  • One roll of paper towels
  • One canned vegetable or soup
  • One roll of plastic wrap
  • One canned meat or meat-based food like ravioli
  • A shelf-stable milk that doesn’t need to be refrigerated or another nutritional drink
  • One bottle hand sanitizer
  • Sanitary wipes or other hygiene projects
  • One flashlight with batteries (yep, you’ll need more than one)
  • Heavy-duty work gloves
  • First aid kit supplies or a pre-made first aid kit (we found options for around $10-$15
  • Waterproof container for insurance and bank documents, important contracts, proof of occupancy, inventory of belongings

Week 4 cost based on prices at Walmart: $40

Week 5

Grocery Store:

  • 1 meat group item
  • 1 can of ready-to-eat soup
  • 1 fruit group item
  • 1 box large re-sealable food storage bags
  • 1 vegetable group item
  • 1 bread group item
  • Baby supplies
  • Extra batteries for radio
  • First aid kit supplies
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Games and puzzles for children

Week 5 cost based on prices at Walmart: $60

Week 6

  • Another gallon of water per person in your home
  • Another grain -- like a loaf of bread, rice, cracker or cereal
  • Another meat-based item -- canned tuna or chicken
  • One roll of heavy-duty aluminum foil
  • A pack of paper bowls
  • A box of trash bags.
  • A pack of assorted nails
  • Another flashlight with batteries.
  • A box of sanitary wipes or baby wipes.

Week 6 cost based on prices at Walmart: $45

Week 7

  • Another meat-based item
  • Another can of ready-to-eat soup
  • A box of cereal
  • One box or can of shelf-stable milk or nutritional drink like Ensure...
  • Another can of vegetables
  • One comfort food item like candy or coffee
  • More batteries for flashlights (larger ones this time)
  • A hammer from the hardware section.
  • More baby supplies if you need them.

Week 7 cost based on prices at Walmart: $40

Week 8

For your final grocery list, you should grab:

  • Another gallon of water per person in your home
  • Another can of vegetables
  • Another canned meat or meat-based item
  • A box of heavy-duty garbage bags for outdoor cleanup
  • Another roll of paper towels
  • A package of plastic eating utensils
  • A mosquito repellent with deet.

Now is also the time to gather your important documents, including identification and insurance documents, along with money and prescription medicines

Finally, take a moment to walk around your home and take pictures. This will be your proof for your insurance company if you do have any storm damage of the shape your home was in before the storm.