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The Jacksonville Image Awards celebrates the leaders impacting our community in big ways

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The night was filled with music, community and celebration. The 5th annual Jacksonville Image Awards took center stage on the FSCJ South Campus Saturday night.

From the big screen, to the FSCJ stage, the choreography and music from the movie, “The Color Purple” played out beautifully by the Yohannas Performing Arts Company. My husband, Tarik Minor, and I were honored to emcee this event for another year.

Walking out on the stage was surreal, to see the diverse audience here to support the community we all love.

The first award went to Dr. Shanna Carter, winner of the Trailblazer Award.

The Rising Star Award was selected in advance and went to Karlie King, an entrepreneur who’s motivating other young people to reach for their dreams.

Other winners include Dr. Erin Anthony for the One to Watch Award, Erica Rose Carnegie for the Be the Change, Be Yourself Award. Tracy Morris won the Music Excellence Award and Dr. Tracy Oliver took home the Education Excellence Award.

Duval County Schools Police Chief, Greg Burton, won the Innovator Award. Chief Burton is recovering from a stroke and wasn’t able to attend the ceremony. But, he sent someone near and dear to his heart.

His son, David, accepted the honor and you could feel the love and emotion in the room.

The night ended with the big announcements of the Pinnacle Award winner, Michele Godfrey-Watson. She marched on stage with words to make us all reflect on our impact and our power.

“When you leave this place and go back to your homes, never forget to be the transformation that you want to see,” Godfrey-Watson said. “This will always create space where God can give the increase.”

The night was inspiring, entertaining and brought our community together in a one-of-a-kind way.

Until next year, we hope to see you all there!

If you would like to watch the 2024 Jacksonville Image Awards, it will be broadcast on Sunday, February 25 at 5 p.m. on CW17.

Jacksonville Image Awards on CW17 (Copyright 2024 by WJXT News4Jax - All rights reserved.)

About the Author
Melanie Lawson headshot

Anchor on The Morning Show team and reporter specializing on health issues.
