TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – House and Senate Republicans are proposing a constitutional amendment about eight-year term limits for county commissioners and school board members.
Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, R-Spring Hill, and Rep. Michelle Salzman, R-Pensacola, filed identical measures (SJR 802 and HJR 679) for consideration during the legislative session.
If approved by the Legislature, the proposal would go before voters in 2026.
The proposal is being considered Monday by the Ethics and Elections Panel.
Lawmakers in 2023 approved eight-year term limits for school board members, but a constitutional amendment would make the limits harder to change.
Similar term limits for lawmakers, the governor and state Cabinet members are included in the Constitution.
Currently, county commissioners technically don’t have term limits, unless there is a local ordinance or charter provision.
If the proposal passes and voters approve the amendment, the eight-year term limits for county commissioners would apply for after Nov. 3, 2026. Service that begins on or before that date would not count toward the limitation.