With Valentine’s Day later this week, February is the month of love. It’s also National Weddings Month!
Our Morning Show team celebrated Tuesday morning by sharing some of their wedding photos. (Watch the video above to see them.)
And now we want to see yours!
Upload your photos to News4JAX.com/SnapJAX and we might share your picture on air or online.
Here are a few that have been posted already:
Happily Married Month Danny and Sheryl Brown Married 50 years this June! June 21,1975
Dee Spaulding
Date Oct 1, 2017 Where- The Lightener Museum in St. Augustine Married my best friend and still going strong.
Ra ChiLLz
Dewayne and Rachel Howard Married in Newport News, VA on 12/31/2000 Just Celebrated 24 years
Our wedding was at St John’s Golf & Country Club 10.12.24 - the weekend of Hurricane Milton. Amy & Doug Robbins
Mark and Sheryl Harper’s wedding pictures from 1979. We will celebrate 46 years of marriage on February 18, 2025. It hasn’t been easy but it has been interesting
Trinette Dease
Billy & Trinette Dease, married for 24 years 💕
Annette Gimbel
My wedding pic we were married 12-9-2024