Lights of Love: SnapJAX Stories goes behind-the-scenes at the popular Blackhawk Bluff light display

JACKSONVILLE, Fla – If you want to see something really magical this holiday season you might head over to the holiday lights on Girvin Road. Every year people in this community come together to create a winter wonderland filled with lights for the community. We went to the neighborhood during the day to find the stories behind the lights.

This time of year, even during the day, the Blackhawk Bluff Neighborhood on Girvin Road is impressive, but at night it’s mind-blowing. Linda Bielamwoicz lives on the corner of Girvin and remembers the very first light show.

“He got us all together. And he said, ‘Why don’t we do something?’ And he showed us how to string the lights up,” said Bielamwoicz.

While she couldn’t remember the neighbor’s name, she’ll never forget his impact.

“Every year after that, it just started growing and growing and everybody started getting involved,” said Bielamwoicz.

Bielamwoicz goes all in every year.

“We give out candy canes and neighbors give out candy canes, hot chocolate, popcorn. I mean, it’s just one big happy family. Oh my gosh, you know how much candy canes I buy every year?” said Bielamwoicz.

She also adds decorations each year and her entire family dresses up in costumes on certain nights to entertain the crowds.

“It’s just fun. My son in law, he’s getting used to it. He’s shy and I might pass the buck and let him be Santa,” said Bielamwoicz.

Her kids grew up with the lights. They’ve gotten married and started families of their own. But when you marry into this family, participation is a prerequisite. They get used to it, even if it’s a sacrifice.

Bielamwoicz said to get to her driveway she has to show an officer her license and wait for a break in traffic.

“I work over the Dames Point Bridge, so normally 30 minutes it’ll take me, probably over an hour. I pray that my bosses let me go,” said Bielamwoicz.

Casey Jones, who lives across the street, showed us the trick to string the lights. Jones uses a bow and arrow, attaches fishing wire and shoots. Each time he says he hopes it makes it over the right branch.

“You miss the branch that you want to shoot in. You just kind of rear back and shoot it and you miss it. You take the scissors and you cut it and you grab it again and you do it again,” Jones explained. “Year after year you really get better at it.”

They do the work for the community and it’s turned neighbors into family and brought family closer together.

“We like doing it. We like making it better every year,” Bielamwoicz said.

So when you’re patiently waiting in line to see the lights on Girvin Road know that the magic was created with lots of love.

About the Author
Melanie Lawson headshot

Anchor on The Morning Show team and reporter specializing on health issues.
